Pick Any Two

Daddy gave me a book when I was a kid that showed well-known type styles in a small saying to demonstrate how they look in use.  One that has stuck with me was

Speed, Price, Quality.  Pick any two.PickAnyTwo

Two seems to be the magic number for the amount of things I can do well at, too.  I don’t mean the number of things I can do, but the the number of things I can do successfully.

The problem is, though, that each of us have hundreds of truly important issues in our lives that need our attention.  What’s a girl to do?

I know I’m not alone when I say,  I. have. no. idea.

But I do know we can identify our Two Things – the things in life that are really important to us,  pour ourselves into them, and cut ourselves some slack in the other areas, just a little bit.

Then we can live with no regrets.

You are so Cute, Smart and Organized,
